The clouding of the lens of the Human eye, which is normally clear, is called Cataract. Most cataracts develop slowly over time, causing symptoms such as blurry vision and even vision loss.

Cataract is a major cause of blindness in India. The condition is caused mainly due to aging. Cataract is the opacity of the transparent lens of the eye. If clouded, it prevents the light to pass through the lens and reach the retina for image formation. The factors responsible for cataract are old age, eye injuries, inflammation, diabetes and prolonged use of steroids. Children may also have cataract since birth, due to infection passed on to them by their mother during pregnancy.


   Gradual loss of vision

   Both eyes are involved at varying stages

   The lens of the eye turns grey

   The patient has hazy or double or multiple vision


Cataract formation cannot be prevented. However, blindness due to cataract can and must be avoided through timely surgical intervention.


   Medication of any kind cannot cure or delay cataract formation.

   Surgical removal of the clouded lens and replacement by Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) can restore normal vision.

   Cataract surgery is a simple procedure. It is normally done under local anaesthesia.

   Cataract can be operated by using various procedures like ECCE, SICS, Phacoemulsification etc. After cataract removal, an intraocular lens is implanted, which is made of different materials like PMMA, Silicon etc. This lens may be foldable or rigid.


  Micro Surgery for Cataract

PHACO – Phacoemulsification or PHACO is a type of cataract surgery in which the lens with the cataract is broken up by ultrasound, irrigated, and suctioned out. It is the most common method used to remove the cataract. After the natural lens has been removed, it is often replaced by an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens (IOL). An IOL is a clear artificial lens implant that requires no care and becomes a permanent part of the operated eye.

ECCE - Extracapsular Cataract Extraction or ECCE is a type of cataract surgery which might be recommended if the phacoemulsification technique isn’t a good option for patient. For example, an advanced cataract might be too dense to break apart easily. In Extracapsular Cataract Surgery, the Surgeon makes a larger opening in the eye. Instead of breaking up the lens and then removing it, the Surgeon removes the lens in one piece. Then the Surgeon inserts the Intraocular Lens.

SICS – Small Incision Cataract Surgery or SICS is a low-cost, small-incision form of extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) that is principally employed in the developing world. Compared to traditional ECCE, SICS has the advantage of a self-sealing suture-less wound.

MICS – Micro Incision Cataract Surgery or MICS is an approach to cataract surgery through incision less than 1.8 mm with the purpose of reducing surgical invasiveness, at the same time, improving surgical outcomes

   Femto Laser assisted Cataract Surgery

Femto Laser assisted Cataract Surgery or FLACS is a type of laser eye surgery. This surgery replaces many of the steps during cataract surgery that require a blade and softens the cataract, allowing for an easier and smoother removal. It can improve the quality of vision by reducing some visual aberrations, it expands the visual range of astigmatism-correcting lens implants, and it may enhance the quality and range of near vision in extended range lens implants.

   Posterior Iris Fixation of IOL

This type of IOL is most often implanted after a cataract surgery after the removal of the crystalline lens. Accommodating IOLs fall into this category and allows a patient to have optimal vision near, far and in between. Iris fixation of posterior chamber silicone IOLs may decrease the possibility of late suture breakage and dislocation of the IOL, as well as the risk of endophthalmitis.

   Scleral Fixation of IOL

Scleral Fixation is a procedure in which sutures are passed from the outside to the inside of the eye.

   Phakic ICL

Phakic Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), also known as Implantable Contact Lenses (ICLs), are implantable contact lenses that are surgically inserted into the eye where they provide excellent quality of vision with predictable and stable results.


   After surgery, the operated eye must be protected from bright sunlight, dust, smoke and any sudden or jerking movement.

   For the above reasons, patients are given protective dark glasses, to be worn for a specific period.

   Eye-drops and ointments are also advised by the operating surgeon.

   The patient is instructed to come for review visits for the eye check-up.

   In general, there are no diet restrictions after a cataract surgery.


Cataract surgery ranges from a Rs. 7000 package onwards up to Rs. 92500 depending upon the quality of lens, consumables and procedure of surgery. It is worth mentioning that all the cataract surgeries done at Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya are of standard quality and give good results. The infection rate is also nil due to the strict quality standards and sterilization procedures that are followed.

The various Intra Ocular Lenses (IOL) that are used are all hydrophobic lenses consisting of both soft and hard lens. It includes premium quality imported lenses as well as Indian lenses. Some lenses are foldable while some are non-foldable in nature. Some are again, single piece lenses while some are three piece lenses.

Depending upon the requirement and various factors, monofocal or multifocal lenses are prescribed. Counselors at Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya take special care in explaining the varieties and other scientific specifications to the patients. Depending upon the advice of the surgeons; the patient’s choice; and what is best for the patient from among the options available; the type of lenses are selected and the procedure is finalized.